Duktape 2.4.0 performance measurement


Octane sub-scores and overall score. Higher is better, highest of 10 runs. Omits a few Octane tests which fail to run (see Duktape repo tests/octane).

Test duk.O2.240 duk.O2.230
Box2D 511 516
CodeLoad 4802 4469
Crypto 154 155
DeltaBlue 129 130
EarleyBoyer 311 310
Gameboy 881 885
NavierStokes 358 354
PdfJS 484 482
RayTrace 277 271
Richards 107 109
Splay 770 775
SplayLatency 4364 4388
SCORE 498 495

Duktape microbenchmarks, comparison to 2.3.0

Baseline is duk.O2.230, compared to duk.O2.240. Lower is better, lowest of 5 runs.

duk.O2.240 duk.O2.230
test-add-fastint 1.80 1.78
test-add-float 1.78 1.78
test-add-int 1.77 1.83
test-add-nan-fastint 1.80 1.79
test-add-nan 1.78 1.78
test-add-string 25.93 25.67
test-arith-add 7.18 7.06
test-arith-add-string 2.59 2.57
test-arith-div 10.16 10.45
test-arith-mod 9.54 9.49
test-arith-mul 7.99 7.80
test-arith-sub 7.06 7.21
test-array-append 1.47 1.44
test-array-cons-list 1.04 1.03
test-array-foreach (4.00) 3.86
test-array-literal-100 4.28 4.22
test-array-literal-20 1.03 1.03
test-array-literal-3 (0.47) 0.45
test-array-pop 2.96 2.97
test-array-push 3.22 3.14
test-array-read 4.80 4.71
test-array-read-lenloop 5.52 5.42
test-array-sort (5.27) 4.99
test-array-write 4.54 4.50
test-array-write-length 4.32 4.34
test-assign-add (11.66) 11.19
test-assign-addto (11.61) 11.22
test-assign-addto-nan 2.84 2.85
test-assign-boolean (10.11) 9.75
test-assign-const-int2 20.39 20.93
test-assign-const-int 10.21 10.69
test-assign-const 10.15 10.50
test-assign-literal 12.18 11.87
test-assign-proplhs-reg (6.23) 5.95
test-assign-proprhs 7.11 7.00
test-assign-reg 10.02 10.12
test-base64-decode 1.12 1.13
test-base64-decode-whitespace 1.35 1.37
test-base64-encode 1.31 1.32
test-bitwise-ops 5.10 5.04
test-break-fast 3.65 3.64
test-break-slow 15.80 15.92
test-buffer-float32array-write 9.44 9.56
test-buffer-nodejs-read 6.79 6.82
test-buffer-nodejs-write 8.65 8.82
test-buffer-object-read 6.82 6.83
test-buffer-object-write 8.63 8.81
test-buffer-plain-read (5.27) 4.96
test-buffer-plain-write 4.91 5.01
test-call-apply 4.06 4.07
test-call-basic-1 10.52 10.23
test-call-basic-2 10.50 10.26
test-call-basic-3 12.58 12.74
test-call-basic-4 27.13 28.46
test-call-bound-deep 4.33 4.31
test-call-bound 4.20 4.17
test-call-call 3.64 3.55
test-call-closure-1 2.94 2.93
test-call-native (20.84) 19.69
test-call-prop 7.16 7.02
test-call-proxy-apply-1 44.90 44.40
test-call-proxy-pass-1 22.91 22.63
test-call-reg 4.26 4.16
test-call-reg-new 7.70 7.57
test-call-tail-1 (2.06) 1.99
test-call-tail-2 (2.20) 2.13
test-call-var (9.48) 8.95
test-cbor-decode-1 3.71 3.72
test-cbor-decode-2 7.02 7.07
test-cbor-decode-3 (10.10) 9.80
test-cbor-decode-fastints 1.11 1.10
test-cbor-decode-largeobj 3.31 3.34
test-cbor-decode-strings 1.34 1.34
test-cbor-encode-1 9.12 9.69
test-cbor-encode-2 13.81 14.72
test-cbor-encode-3 9.86 10.57
test-cbor-encode-double 0.94 1.06
test-cbor-encode-float 0.95 1.07
test-cbor-encode-half-float 0.99 1.03
test-cbor-encode-largeobj 6.12 6.62
test-cbor-encode-largestr 1.49 2.19
test-cbor-encode-simple 4.12 4.38
test-closure-inner-functions 1.46 1.76
test-compile-mandel 20.67 20.80
test-compile-mandel-nofrac 14.00 14.17
test-compile-short 7.09 7.32
test-compile-string-ascii 9.54 9.59
test-continue-fast 5.62 5.62
test-continue-slow 17.82 17.90
test-empty-loop 6.36 6.45
test-empty-loop-slowpath 2.06 2.03
test-empty-loop-step3 6.39 6.54
test-enum-basic 5.11 5.46
test-equals-fastint (1.53) 1.48
test-equals-nonfastint 1.55 1.53
test-error-create 2.36 2.36
test-fib-2 5.53 5.50
test-fib 9.29 9.07
test-func-bind 2.88 2.84
test-func-tostring 5.64 5.56
test-global-lookup (12.30) 11.91
test-hello-world 0.00 0.00
test-hex-decode 2.73 2.73
test-hex-encode 2.22 2.18
test-jc-serialize-indented 5.16 5.18
test-jc-serialize 2.97 2.95
test-json-parse-hex 2.58 2.58
test-json-parse-integer 4.24 4.32
test-json-parse-number 8.66 8.49
test-json-parse-string 3.00 3.00
test-json-serialize-fastpath-loop 5.39 5.34
test-json-serialize-forceslow 10.69 10.78
test-json-serialize-hex 1.09 1.10
test-json-serialize-indented-deep100 2.00 1.95
test-json-serialize-indented-deep25 5.03 5.09
test-json-serialize-indented-deep500 1.26 1.24
test-json-serialize-indented 9.28 9.31
test-json-serialize-jsonrpc-message 1.38 1.38
test-json-serialize-largeobj 5.27 5.14
test-json-serialize-nofrac 0.89 0.88
test-json-serialize-plainbuf 4.67 4.58
test-json-serialize-simple 6.80 6.72
test-json-serialize-slowpath-loop 5.26 5.31
test-json-string-bench 4.80 4.71
test-json-string-stringify 4.20 4.23
test-jx-serialize-bufobj-forceslow 5.52 5.51
test-jx-serialize-bufobj 1.64 1.65
test-jx-serialize-indented 5.13 5.16
test-jx-serialize 2.95 2.96
test-mandel-iter10-normal 0.08 0.09
test-mandel-iter10-promise - -
test-mandel 8.71 8.76
test-mandel-promise - -
test-math-clz32 4.08 3.97
test-misc-1dcell 7.91 7.69
test-object-garbage-2 3.70 3.76
test-object-garbage 7.38 7.40
test-object-literal-100 10.69 10.84
test-object-literal-20 2.36 2.39
test-object-literal-3 0.57 0.58
test-prop-read-1024 7.85 7.71
test-prop-read-16 7.84 7.70
test-prop-read-256 7.85 7.70
test-prop-read-32 7.82 7.70
test-prop-read-48 7.84 7.69
test-prop-read-4 7.88 7.72
test-prop-read-64 7.82 7.69
test-prop-read-8 7.82 7.70
test-prop-read-inherited 9.85 9.78
test-prop-read 7.92 7.75
test-prop-write-1024 6.93 6.84
test-prop-write-16 6.93 6.82
test-prop-write-256 6.95 6.82
test-prop-write-32 6.93 6.82
test-prop-write-48 6.94 6.83
test-prop-write-4 7.01 6.85
test-prop-write-64 6.92 6.81
test-prop-write-8 6.93 6.80
test-prop-write 7.02 6.88
test-proxy-get 2.86 2.80
test-random (2.78) 2.62
test-reflect-ownkeys-sorted 1.32 1.30
test-reflect-ownkeys-unsorted 1.36 1.36
test-regexp-case-insensitive-compile (0.84) 0.74
test-regexp-case-insensitive-execute (2.50) 2.37
test-regexp-case-sensitive-compile (2.04) 1.98
test-regexp-case-sensitive-execute 2.00 2.02
test-regexp-compile 2.84 2.82
test-regexp-execute 2.34 2.35
test-regexp-string-parse 13.52 13.59
test-reg-readwrite-object 7.76 8.04
test-reg-readwrite-plain 7.73 7.55
test-strict-equals-fastint (1.61) 1.55
test-strict-equals-nonfastint 1.61 1.60
test-string-array-concat 14.06 13.90
test-string-arridx 2.67 2.64
test-string-charlen-ascii 1.79 1.82
test-string-charlen-nonascii 2.66 2.64
test-string-compare 5.81 7.10
test-string-decodeuri 9.04 8.83
test-string-encodeuri 8.61 8.65
test-string-garbage 5.96 5.91
test-string-intern-grow2 0.89 0.90
test-string-intern-grow 7.52 7.50
test-string-intern-grow-short2 5.42 5.40
test-string-intern-grow-short 5.53 5.54
test-string-intern-match 0.26 0.26
test-string-intern-match-short 2.10 2.11
test-string-intern-miss (0.53) 0.51
test-string-intern-miss-short 2.59 2.58
test-string-literal-intern 4.96 4.85
test-string-number-list 0.85 0.83
test-string-plain-concat 0.90 0.91
test-string-scan-nonascii (4.64) 4.20
test-string-uppercase 4.39 4.35
test-symbol-tostring 6.08 5.99
test-textdecoder-ascii (4.18) 3.98
test-textdecoder-nonascii 2.85 2.77
test-textencoder-ascii 13.24 13.30
test-textencoder-nonascii 20.36 20.42
test-try-catch-nothrow 7.83 7.91
test-try-catch-throw 43.60 43.26
test-try-finally-nothrow 9.76 9.76
test-try-finally-throw 57.75 57.40


Measurement host:

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